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How you can donate and help OUR Church

At Father's Heart, we are driven with a passion for sowing into the lives of people in need.  We believe in blessing others, as the Lord has blessed us.  Our heart, energy, and resources go into positively and effectively impacting lives, while sharing the Good News of Christ with others.


We have many active local projects and ministries that can truly use your prayers and donations.  These include but are not limited to residential rehabilitation program, sober living home, family and adolescent therapy, community outreaches in the Passaic County areas, career advisory services, worship music, and many more!


Your prayers and any monetary donations are greatly appreciated.  No matter how large or small, every donation is a blessing that helps touch lives and fulfill our mission!  Thank you in advance and God Bless!


ways you can donate:



We provide opportunities for tithes, offerings, and donations at every Sunday Service and Wednesday night Bible Study.


You could conveniently donate online and quickly receive a confirmation, which can be used for proof or tax filings.

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You could also contact us by email should you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding donations.

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